


Congratulations on using our CRALOG APP and joining our team for future “certified personnel of authorised service providers” with CRALOG Academy!

During the course and/or assessment as “certified personnel of authorised service provider”, we will obtain and process many personal data on you, including your contact details by way of your name, address and your date of birth. Further, we will obtain data relating to employment law on you by way of the names of former and present employers and previously issued certificates. Further, we will process your signature, your portrait and your subsequent proof of authorisation containing your own name and the name of your employer, your date of birth, a portrait and your signature.

Cralog Academy is considered the data processor for processing your personal data. You may find all relevant contact details below:

Cralog A/S
CVR reg.no. (DK) 33156715
Knoten 7
DK-9900 Frederikshavn


Purpose, storing and disclosure

CRALOG Academy will only obtain and processe personal data being required for administering your education, issuing a certificate in your name and observing the legal requirements applying to the education of authorised surveyors.

Your personal data will be entered in an electronic database accessible by shipboard personnel, CRALOG, public authorities, maritime administrations and organisations, classification societies and all the users of the LOG. The database works as a platform for the collection of data concerning inspections of ships and performing surveyors. The data on you to be entered in the database will be your portrait, your signature and your proof of certification and/or authorisation. Further, CRALOG will store your physical proof of authorisation.

When administering the database, Cralog Academy is obligated not to delete your personal data, as the rules of the SOLAS Convention require that data on former and present surveyors, including contact details and authorisations together with portraits, are available at any time. Consequently, for as long as CRALOG exists, CRALOG will store the above personal data and your inspection history as proof of your completed education, entitling you to perform inspections and showing any inspections performed by you.

Your personal data will be disclosed to the Danish authorities, to crew members on board the ships to be inspected by you and to other surveyors, because the above personal data are entered in the database available to and accessible by the crew on board the ships. Otherwise, Cralog Academy will not disclose your personal data, unless we are required to do so, e.g. by current legislation or a court order.

Your data will be stored physically on a server in GERMANY and FINLAND both in Europe. However, the database is accessible from all around the world by a login. When signing below, you will therefore accept that your data may be accessed by a login in the database from countries outside the EU.

Current scenarios for educational purposes

Please note that CRALOG Academy will record current scenarios, e.g. pictures of educational situations. The pictures may be published on CRALOG Academy’s website and on the company’s social media. The purpose is to brand CRALOG Academy’s educational activities. If you do not wish to appear in any such scenarios, including those published, please inform CRALOG Academy thereof on the commencement of the studies.


As a data subject, you have a number of rights in relation to CRALOG Academy, including, among other things, the right to obtain insight into the additional personal data processed on you by CRALOG Academy. If you are of the opinion, that we are processing any incorrect misleading data on you, you are entitled to request correction of the data. On receipt of any such request, we will consider a correction of the data.

In some situations, you are also entitled to object against our otherwise legal processing of your personal data. If we receive any such objection, we will evaluate the need for limiting the processing of the personal data, while considering the objection. Further, you may in some situations be entitled to obtain delivery of your personal data on an electronic readable media (data portability) or deletion of your personal data, provided this is not contrary to our obligation of storing the data.

Should you wish to assert your rights, please file a request to us. In addition, you may also complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency about Cralog Academy’s processing and storing of your personal data. You may find the Agency’s contact details on www.datatilsynet.dk. Further, you may read more about the rules on the processing of personal data and your rights on the Agency’s website.


Certified personnel shall not attempt to work on equipment they have not been certified for.

Certified personnel should report incidents where they have been forced to carry out procedures on equipment they are not certified for; and non-compliance by certified personnel carrying out maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing overhaul and repair as described in the IMO Requirements, paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3, certified by an authorized service provider meeting the requirements in section 8 in respect of health, safety and environment (HSE) instructions and procedures established by the company.

By accepting the above terms, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the contents hereof.

CRALOG – [October 2021]